Holy Angels Spirituality
The academic methodology and content of the Holy Angels curriculum are grounded in a classical approach which trains the mind to think in the pursuit of truth.

A Catholic Heart
Holy Angels doesn’t just TEACH the faith to our students. We help them to LIVE it. First and foremost by observing the example of our faculty and staff who commit to fully embracing and living out their Catholic faith to the best of their abilities. We also do this by incorporating Sacrament, prayer, and devotion into everything we do at the Academy.
Daily Mass
At the center of spiritual life is the Eucharist. The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is offered daily by the Academy’s Chaplain.
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament on every First Friday affords each class the opportunity to adore Our Lord exposed on the altar. Frequent visits to our Blessed Sacrament Chapel are encouraged.
In addition to the sacramental life, traditional devotions to the Sacred Heart, the Blessed Mother, the angels and saints, all contribute to a rich spiritual life at the Academy.
Daily Prayers
Regular prayer is included throughout the school day, including the Most Blessed Rosary.
“The best thing about Holy Angels Academy is the Catholic faith.”
– Daniel, Freshman
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The best way to find out if Holy Angels is the right partner for you in the education of your child is to meet us and see our school for yourself.