Our History
Holy Angels Academy has a long history of serving the Catholic Community in Louisville.

Some 50 Years Ago...
…in May of 1973, Sister Mary Elise Groves, O.P. and a few lay faithful who sought her out, founded and incorporated Holy Angels Academy as a private independent school in the state of Kentucky. Recognition as a Catholic school was granted at that time by the local ordinary, Archbishop Thomas J. McDonough. It was the intention of these founders to establish a school which would provide an authentic Catholic education for our young people while adhering faithfully to the documents of the Second Vatican Council and the many papal documents on the topic of Catholic education.
Holy Angels was the second of these pioneering schools established in our country. Following the formation of a governing board the Academy was consecrated to the Sacred and Immaculate Hearts and was dedicated to all the Holy Angels surrounding the throne of God. Its future was entrusted to the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Later it was decided that the everlasting motto should be Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam (For the Greater Glory of God). The official colors of the school became blue and green.
Holy Angels has served the community of Louisville, Kentucky from several locations over the years. First, it was the vacated school building of St. Philip Neri Parish in Old Louisville. Before relocating in the mid-seventies, the school began its longstanding devotion to the Infant of Prague for the financial needs of the Academy. From here the school occupied the school building at the Dominican parish of St. Louis Bertrand.
In the late seventies, Franciscans of Saint Boniface Parish provided a home in the old parish school building. It was in 1984 that Holy Angels was able to purchase an abandoned telephone building in Old Louisville only a few blocks from its original location. Some renovations provided an adequate learning environment, but any expansion would be prohibited on this small one-acre lot.
High School Expansion
It was in 1995 that Holy Angels undertook the establishment of a college prep high school. Beginning with eleven students, Mrs. Marilyn Malone laid the foundation for a program that has seen marvelous results including recognition by the Cardinal Newman Society as one of the premier Catholic high schools in the United States. She remained as the first high school principal through the 2010-2011 school year and continues to serve as a curriculum consultant and board member.
The Blessed Sacrament
Also in 1995 a long awaited dream for Sister Elise and other members of the Academy was fulfilled. Archbishop Thomas C. Kelly, O.P. granted permission for the Blessed Sacrament to be reserved at Holy Angels. Thus came the greatest gift bestowed on the Academy. Many graces would flow from Our Lord’s presence in the school.
Blessed by Providence, another dream came true for Holy Angels in 2004 when the Fathers of Mercy agreed to provide a full-time chaplain, Father Robert Gregor. Daily Mass, Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and the opportunity for frequent reception of the sacraments has been a grace of inestimable value to our students, faculty and staff over the years!
Middletown Campus
After a lengthy search for a future location, in 1989 during a novena to the Infant of Prague, an available ten acre parcel of land was discovered in Middletown, Kentucky. After overcoming a number of obstacles that arose over several months, the land was eventually purchased and the deed recorded on All Saints Day with the plan to build a new facility. Following were a number of years of prayer, fundraising and overcoming many more obstacles. Hope was bolstered when a small statue of the Infant of Prague was placed on the land one Christmas day. Shortly after, a pledge of $100,000 was made.
Still well short of the funds to build, shortly after a novena to Saint Joseph by the students, faculty and parents, a generous benefactor responded to a request for several hundred thousand dollars. In his letter granting the request, he stated, “God will build your school. Your school is deserving of the help it needs…but we want you to know we are merely the instrument through which your prayers are answered.” A new school building was erected in 2005. The dedication Mass was celebrated by Archbishop Kelly with auxiliary Bishop Charles Maloney attending. This campus now serves as a permanent home for Holy Angels Academy.
Chapel Beautification
In 2022, through the generosity of Mr. and Mrs. James and Dot Patterson, Holy Angels began a $300,000 project to beautify the Our Lady of Prompt Succor chapel at the center of the school. The chapel beautification, overseen by Headmaster Emeritus Mr. Joseph Norton, immediately elevates the Holy Angels Chapel to the company of some of the most beautiful chapels in town.
“The best thing about Holy Angels Academy is the Catholic faith.”
– Daniel, Freshman
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The best way to find out if Holy Angels is the right partner for you in the education of your child is to meet us and see our school for yourself.