Help us help our students get to Heaven and reach their fullest potential on Earth!
Would you please prayerfully consider joining Holy Angels Academy in our amazing mission?

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Our mission: to educate and form our youth by the means of Catholic schooling in the classical tradition, to prepare them to lead holy and honorable lives for God and country and thus attain the end for which they were created, that is, eternal happiness with God.
Consistent with the Academy’s desire to make its education affordable to all, great effort is exercised to maintain a reasonable tuition level by keeping costs down and raising funds from outside sources. Since tuition and fund raising events fall well short of total operating needs, and since there is no parish affiliation to provide support and no government assistance, the Academy relies on contributions from benefactors for a major portion of total funding. All gifts are tax deductible.
The Board, faculty, staff, parents, and children of Holy Angels are eternally grateful for our benefactors. Each day a special Novena to the Infant of Prague is prayed by the entire student body for the spiritual and temporal needs of our benefactors as well as for the Academy. Each First
Friday of the month the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is offered for our benefactors.
“It was easy to adapt here — and communicate with teachers about ideas, or ways I could advance learning.”
– Theresa, Sophomore
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The best way to find out if Holy Angels is the right partner for you in the education of your child is to meet us and see our school for yourself.